Offsite Construction Saves More Than Just Time

Posted by Greg Archer on February 20, 2020

Offsite construction involves the process of planning, designing, fabricating, transporting and assembling building elements for rapid onsite assembly

At Enercept we like to say that structural insulated panels (SIPS) are “the future of framing,” but in truth, the future is now. Enercept has been fabricating SIPS since 1981 and has built a reputation for delivering the most customized building system on the market.

It does not matter if you are building a residential home, a commercial building or an agricultural structure, Enercept offers cost-efficiency, energy efficiency, improved air quality —and the latest in off-site building construction. The Enercept team and nationwide network of dealers and builders are ready to bring environmentally friendly, worry-free framing and insulation solutions to you.


Enercept SIPs incorporate an offsite construction system. Offsite construction refers to any building process that takes place away from the ultimate point of installation. Off-site construction involves the process of planning, designing, fabricating, transporting and assembling building elements for rapid onsite assembly. One of the primary benefits of being able to build parts of a structure away from a project site is that construction can take place concurrently with site work or pre-construction engineering. The more fabrication that can be accomp

Enercept SIPs building system has many advantages over traditional construction methods.  Faster construction, lower labor costs, less job site waste, and lower energy costs throughout the life of your home.

lished off site, the more time and labor can be saved on site.  

When comparing onsite construction to offsite construction, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 57 percent of activities in onsite construction are wasteful and non-value adding. These are activities that are not compensated. Offsite construction is directly opposite with 62 percent of all activities being value adding. Replacing the wasteful elements of construction with manufacturing benefits through a building system with SIPs can remove waste and increase value for projects.

Documented benefits of off-site construction versus traditional on-site construction include:

  • Shorter construction schedules.
  • Greater degree of predictability in cost.
  • Reduced material waste.
  • Reduced site disturbance.
  • Fewer laborers and trade equipment.
  • A controlled environment for manufacturing components
  • Reduced weather-related delays

Furthermore, the added benefits of Enercept SIPs include:

  • Entire wall/roof assembly installs quickly and easily in sections.
  • Onsite modifications simple if required.
  • Simplified electrical and HVAC installation.
  • Precise openings and joints speed door, window, cabinet installation.
  • No sheathing or insulating on site.
  • Openings and chases are precut at factory.

Why isn't everyone using offsite? First, today’s industry status quo favors conventional methods, in part because offsite requires a major mindset and business operations shift. Anyone new to offsite construction mistakenly believe that incorporating one of these methods is an all-or-nothing proposition and that they limit design options. But the fact is, structures can employ offsite construction components and still conform to any design.

As you can see Enercept SIPs building system has many advantages over traditional construction methods.  Faster construction, lower labor costs, less job site waste, and lower energy costs throughout the life of your home.

SIPs building system has many advantages over traditional construction methods.  Faster construction, lower labor costs, less job site waste, and lower energy costs throughout the life of your home.

SIPs Cut Labor Costs by 55 Percent

When you build with Structural Insulated Panels, the first savings you will notice is the reduction in labor costs.  Building with SIP panels takes half the time as stick-framing.  Why? Because when you build with Structural Insulated Panels you are framing, insulating and sheathing in one easy step.  Plus, the door and window openings are pre-cut at the factory - once you assemble the panels the openings are bucked out and ready for your door and window installation.  We also burn all the wire chases in the wall and roof panels so your electrician can wire your home more efficiently.  The uniform nailing surface on the interior and exterior walls, make siding, trim and drywall installs happen quickly and easily.

SIPs Are a High-Performance Building System

With Structural Insulated Panels you will lower your energy use.  You will save 40-60 percent on annual heating and cooling costs.  There will be less thermal bridging and no cold spots on your walls.  Your home will be more comfortable, quieter and healthier. Why?  Because of the air-tight environment a SIP system provides.

Structural insulated panels are high-performance building components that can be used in floors, walls and roofs for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural applications.  Enercept Structural Insulated Panels are made with an expanded polystyrene (EPS) rigid foam insulating core sandwiched between two facers of oriented strand board (OSB).  When laminated together they create a structural insulated panel that is 2 1/2 times stronger than a stick-frame wall, that save you money during construction and throughout the life of your home.

SIPs Are more Disaster-Resistant

The typical SIP wall is twice as strong as a stick-frame stud wall and will maintain strength after flooding.  Why?  Because the loads are distributed across the entire panel due to the continuous bond between the sheathing and rigid insulation.  This gives the SIP System an I-Beam like strength.

When you build with Enercept Structural Insulated Panels you’ll get a building that will go up faster and will be warmer, tighter, stronger, quieter and more cost-effective than conventional construction. It is a solution that others simply can’t beat.

When it comes to strength, design, labor costs, low environmental impact and energy efficiency, SIPs and steel make a dynamic combination that benefits both builders and end users … that’s a match worth making!

Learn More About Building With SIPs

Topics: SIPs, Structural Insulated Panels, Offsite Construction