3100 9th Ave SE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: (605) 882-2222
Fax: (605) 882-2753
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© Copyright 2018 Enercept, Inc.
Do you have questions about SIPs? Here are the facts about many common concerns and queries. If your question isn't addressed here, please reach out to us ... we'd be happy to assist!
SIPs are a high performance building system suitable for all types of construction. Sometimes referred to as "sandwich panels" or "stress skin panels", SIPs contain a structural foam (insulating) core bonded between two structural skins. At Enercept, we use expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam for the insulating core and typically use oriented strand board (OSB) for the exterior and interior skins. SIPs are manufactured under factory-controlled conditions and can be fabricated to fit nearly any building design. The result is a cost-effective structure that is energy efficient and 2 1/2-times stronger than stick-built.
When you factor in material cost, labor expense, and job site waste with the benefit of a lifetime of energy savings, the Enercept system is a lower cost building solution.
No. Enercept SIPs were tested at the University of South Dakota and no traces of formaldehyde were detected. The panels do not produce off-gassing of dangerous chemicals either.
There are three methods of heat transfer: convection, conduction, and radiation. R-value is the measure of resistance to heat loss by conduction only. The most import factor in thermal efficiency is the continuity of the insulation. The Enercept SIPs system results in a solid envelope of insulation where even the connection posts have a foam core. Therefore, Enercept SIPs have the ability to resist heat transfer by both conduction and convection (air movement). With this in mind, it is reasonable to assume that a conventional home would require an R-40 wall to compare with a 6-inch Enercept wall (R-24.)
A ventilated roof is not necessary in most climates. Model codes allow both vented (cold roof) and non-vented (hot roof) roof assemblies. Because SIPs are insulated, conductive loss of heat is avoided, negating the problems usually associated with a non-vented roof. If you must ventilate your roof, 2x strips can be attached to the top of the roof and then covered with sheathing to form a vented layer over the SIPs.
Enercept structures are very air-tight compared to other building methods. Generally, a WRB, water-resistive barrier is applied to the exterior of the structure. Seam tape is provided for all interior panel connections and an air exchanger is strongly recommended. These measures will protect your home from moisture, and will create exceptional indoor air quality.
The Enercept building system has been evaluated by third party evaluation agencies for compliance with the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC). Enercept offers a limited lifetime warranty (copies available by request.)
Connecting Enercept wall SIPs to the subfloor or foundation wall is very similar to traditional stick framing methodology. Watch this video as Enercept's Jon Golz explains how easy it is.
Do you like the open, vaulted ceiling look of the soaring great room? Or, maybe you want a loft area or bonus room over the garage, but the trusses are in the way. Or, you just want to move the insulation envelope to the exterior of your structure. What do you do? Enercept has the answer for you. Watch and learn about a system that dates back to the 1930’s.
A high-performance SIP building enclosure often allows smaller HVAC equipment to be specified. Proper HVAC sizing is crucial to an Enercept home because an oversized HVAC system will fail to reach the steady operating rate the equipment was designed for. This leads to an inefficient HVAC system which can lead to uncomfortable conditions for the occupants. This video will help answer many of your HVAC questions.
Homes built with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) have very few studs. So how do you hang pictures and things on the SIP walls of your home? Enercept's Jon Golz explains that it's extremely easy to hang anything you want on SIP walls.
What is a fly-by-corner? Well, it's SIP panel that is designed to be more easily trimmed to compensate for any growth that may have occurred during the erection of the panels. This video explains the importance of a fly-by-corner.
The strength of construction is one of the biggest arguments in favor of panel construction over traditional wood framing. When you hear about panel buildings surviving hurricanes and earthquakes while their traditionally framed neighbors shatter into sticks, you must take notice.
Proper HVAC sizing is crucial to an Enercept home because an oversized HVAC system will fail to reach the steady operating rate the equipment was designed to for. Watch as Enercept SIPs expert Jon Golz talks about HVAC in a SIPs-built structure.
When building with structural insulated panels, what is the best way to stage them on a site for installation?
With Enercept, your SIPs will be custom-made to meet your blueprint specifications. Our skilled drafters give you the one-on-one attention you deserve throughout the process. Using your floor plan, the Enercept drafting department will calculate and design the panelized layout for your exterior shell. Fine details, unique shapes, and irregular openings are not a problem.
Why do builders and architects love building with SIPS? There are many reasons, but mostly it’s because Structural Insulated Panels go up very fast. By using SIPs instead of a typical stick frame structure, you can reduce labor costs by up to 55 percent.
Should ice and water material be used over the entire roof with SIP panels?
When we talk about "code compliant" what are we actually talking about?
If you are a builder building with structural insulated panels you may have been asked this question from your clients.
How do Enercept SIPs meet the energy code?
How do Enercept SIPs satisfy a customer's wants for low energy bills?
How do Enercept SIPs satisfy a customer's wants for a comfortable home?
What sizes do the Enercept panels come in?
How does Enercept handle the rim area of the floor joist or trusses?
Can Enercept make curved panels?
What quality of doors and windows need to be installed in a SIP building?
What is a top flange joist hanger and how is it used with Enercept wall panels?
How do you drill sill plates for electrical in wall panels?
How do you wire a wall panel from below the subfloor?
Is there a concern with locating a horizontal chase at the baseboard level?
How do you wire SIP wall panels from a concrete slab on grade?
Can you add an electrical chase to panels on the job site?
What is the maximum number of electrical wires that can be run through a chase?
How do you wire with metal conduit?
What is the cost to add additional electrical chases?
Can you run wire on the top of the wall in the void area?
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), there is three basic things to learn when setting wall panels, as Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz explains.
When building with SIPs, how do you set the sill plate for a standard 6” wall?
When building with SIPs, what is the best way to work down a wall to a window opening?
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how do turn a wall corner? It's really simple as Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz illustrates.
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how do you set the doorway panels? It's really very easy as Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz illustrates.
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how do you place the top plates and cap plates? Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz explains how top plates and cap plates are used when building with Enercept SIPs.
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how do you set the gable panel with a post to support the ridge beam?
Do you need a framework to build around when building with SIPs?
Where is the sealant placed on structural insulated panels and how often does it get placed?
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how does the mastic sealant affect the electrical chase?
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), what is the best way to protect roof panels once they are set? It's important and really very easy as Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz illustrates.
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), why would you use Vaseline on your tape measures? Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz explains why Vaseline can help with clean-up of your tape measure if any mastic gets on it.
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), which corner is best to with when setting wall panels?
When building with structural insulated panels (SIPs), how are the wall panels attached to a concrete foundation like in a garage? It's really very easy as Enercept SIP expert Jon Golz illustrates.
3100 9th Ave SE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: (605) 882-2222
Fax: (605) 882-2753
© Copyright 2018 Enercept, Inc.