Getting to Know Us: Neal Mack, Enercept Sr. Regional Sales Manager

Posted by Christine Walraven on January 16, 2019

Growing up on a family farm east of Watertown, South Dakota, Senior Regional Sales Manager Neal Mack is no stranger to hard work and the meaning of a handshake. A steady diet of chores (along with his mom’s home cooking) and watching his parents navigate the world of farming instilled a fine work ethic, which has followed him throughout his life, and certainly to Enercept.


Beginning his career with Enercept November 13, 1995, Neal was excited to be part of something as definable and fulfilling as the construction process.

"I'd been in sales and enjoyed building, so It was a perfect fit," Neal says, looking back on a career where he's been Involved In building everything from modest cabins to National Science Center, which Is the largest building on Antarctica and an endeavor which Involved serous Ingenuity on many levels.

Starting in those early days of his career, Neal worked hard to develop a vast network of builders and dealers and foster those relationships into great friendships over the years. He continues to do so Neal Headshottoday.

"I meet the most unique people in the world. We don't deal with the generic. We deal with the unique, which Is awesome. And we keep a pulse on what’s going on everywhere."

For him, it’s the people who make the job worthwhile. Neal launches in a story, eyes dancing with utmost glee, as he relays yet another tale of interactions with the homeowners, builders and dealers he’s gotten to know over a career spanning more than two decades. The stories may be amusing, poignant ­— sometimes almost unbelievable — but they’re all true and most definitely unique. Excursions with dealers, first impressions of individuals who’ve become dear friends and even a time he serenaded a couple of new homeowners (at their request) in their new home are among his myriad tales, all told with the skill of a master storyteller.

 When not working, Neal is busy with family (He and wife Terri have three sons, one daughter and one granddaughter.) and hobbies, including a great love for singing. He often provides the music at area weddings, funerals and community events or can be heard crooning at karaoke, usually with some family members in tow. 

Besides music, Neal enjoys purchasing properties in need of updating and restoring them to their former glory, an activity that often involves his sons, ensuring his work ethic and ingenuity is passed down to his children.

Another pastime Neal enjoys (Shhh, don’t let the kids hear this part!) is portraying Santa during the holiday season. Santa Neal can be found at parties, family gatherings and the like with his full Santa Claus regalia, hearty laugh and a robust and resounding ”Ho, ho, ho!”, to the delight of all in attendance.

Based out of our corporate headquarters in Watertown, Neal serves the  northeast corner of South Dakota as well as Northern and Central Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

His contact information is as follows:

Neal Mack
Phone: 605.695.4949

Neal will be pleased to help you, his experience being a valuable resource as you navigate through your project. Plus, he’ll almost assuredly make you laugh along the way.

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 Our Mission: Our Commitment
When you build with Enercept SIPs we provide a building that will go up faster and will be warmer, tighter, stronger, quieter and more cost-effective than conventional construction. It is a commitment that others simply can’t beat!

Topics: Energy Efficiency, SIPs, Log & Timber Home