Using FRP Skins With Structural Insulated Panels

Posted by Roberta Bartel on January 29, 2020

Just when you think SIPs can't be any better, you discover a new way to utilize them.

Energy Efficient and Environmentally Friendly; Enercept SIPs with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Skins.

The quick construction of Enercept Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) results in a faster return on your commercial investment. But, did you know that we can laminate sheets of material (like fiberglass reinforced plastic or FRP) to the OSB substrate creating a custom composite lamination that meets your specifications?


Our lightweight structural insulated panels are ideal for floors, walls, roofs, basements, and foundations. But, SIPs, when lined with FRP, are also used to insulate walk-in coolers, meat lockers, livestock confinement areas, commercial kitchens, and more.  In applications like these, doesn't it make sense to install the FRP off-site, at the factory? Having the material laminated to the panels at the factory will save your crew considerable time and hassle and will save you money.

SIPs are an excellent insulating system.

The most important factor in thermal efficiency is the continuity of the insulation. The Enercept system provides a solid envelope of continuous insulation. The Enercept system has the ability to resist heat transfer by both conduction and convection. By comparison, according to an Oak Ridge National Laboratory study, a conventional stick-built wall would require an R-value of R-40 to compete with a 6-inch Enercept wall (R-24).  

Because of this, SIPs are the obvious solution for coolers and meat lockers - when protected by a layer of moisture resistant, easy to clean FRP skins.

Insulated FRP Nail Base

When retrofitting an existing building, you'll want to consider adding a non-structural, insulated FRP Nail Base.

With the same great qualities offered in a SIP panel, these panels are attached to your existing walls.  These nail base panels provide excellent resistance to mild chemicals and moisture. Enercept FRP Nail Base Panels are ideal for new construction and remodeling projects that require a high impact, well insulated surface that is easy to clean and will not hold odors, dirt, or food particles.

FRP structural insulated panels and nail base are the obvious insulating solution for commercial kitchens, butcher shops, chemical laboratories, farm buildings, and medical facilities.

Learn more about commercial building with Enercept Structural Insulated Panels:

An Investment In Quality


Topics: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Skins