I’m sure many of you are familiar with Curious George or the saying curiosity killed the cat. Well, we don’t want anyone dying of curiosity especially if your curiosity is about Enercept and how we make our Structural Insulated Panels or SIPs for short.
We want to invite you on a virtual tour of the Enercept facility in Watertown, SD, with Regional Sales Manager Neal Mack. Neal is one of eight sales managers on the Enercept team. Behind the scenes, Enercept has a dedicated production team, drafting, and administrative professionals who bring their A-game to Enercept each and every day. This dedication and commitment to quality are what make Enercept the "builders' choice" in structural insulated panels.
Enercept is in our 40th year of producing quality SIPs. We continue to make improvements in the way we make panels. Recently, we added a new cutting platform for OSB, which is not shown in this video. And plans for future improvements are in the works.
If you have a smartphone and about 7-1/2 minutes, follow this video with your smartphone, and Neal will show you around our plant. If you are on a desktop computer, you can navigate with your mouse. The virtual 360° tour of our facility and process may satisfy your curiosity:
If you are still curious about Enercept, our SIPs, or building with Enercept SIPs visit our website after the tour. We have a wealth of information, a project gallery, FAQ's, technical data, and so much more:
If you are interested in an in-person visit and plan to be in the Watertown, please give us a call at 605.882.2222. We would be happy to show you how we make SIPs.