2020 Building Excellence Awards

Posted by Roberta Bartel on March 26, 2020

SIPA Building Excellence Awards winners were announced on March 3, 2020. And the winner is...

Enercept takes home first place in the "Renovations" category of the 2020 SIPA Building Excellence Awards with Jon Alvin's Barn Renovation.

Alvin completed SIP home

This project, is a home renovation using the beams and frame from a 100+ year old barn. The owner, who is 63 years of age, did much of the work himself.  Jon, who is a retired commercial contractor told Enercept, 

"I built tip-up concrete buildings all over the Country, and these SIP Panels impressed me more every day I worked with them. And, even more, now that I live inside of them."

This reclaimed oak-timber barn had timbers with "by the Long Family, 1885-1890" carved into the wood. These oak trees would have been well over 125-150 years old when harvested, aging the timber to 250-300 years.

original barn

The original ceiling was saved and used in the current home. Interior and exterior trim was the batten strips from the barn. He re-purposed other timbers into furnishings for the home.
The owner was his own General Contractor and was very hands-on in the construction of this reclaimed barn/home.

old barn frame

raising the old barn roof

unloading SIPs

unloading SIP panels


installing SIP roof

The entire frame was excavated and lifted; new stem walls were put into place, and the structure was set back down, squared, and wrapped in SIPs. Once the frame was squared up, the SIPs added structural strength to the renovation. Jon and his crew were able to install all the panels for this structure in less than one week.

Barn to home renovationAlvin interior - table with reclaimed timbers







Enercept is a proud member of the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA). We are pleased to participate in the SIPA Building Excellence Awards competition. Visit the SIPA website to view all of the 2020 entries, www.sips.org.

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Topics: SIPs, enercept, Structural Insulated Panels